Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Packing heavy

Tomorrow we are embarking on our first family vacation. To start out easy, we're just going to drive down to LA. We're going to stay in Santa Monica so we can go to the beach and take Ruby on walks. This will be the first warm weather any of us have experienced this summer, so Ruby will get an opportunity to wear her warm weather clothes exactly one time before she grows out of them.

Having a baby with us has really kicked trip preparation up a notch. Gone are the days of a carry-on sized bag for a 3-day-long trip. Now there is concern of whether we will be able to fit everything into our car. Our checklist of baby supplies includes:

- stroller
- snuggle nest
- blankets
- sound machine
- mirror (for Ruby to look at herself)
- book containing Ruby's multi-ethnic friends
- bouncy chair
- diapers
- wipes
- burp cloths
- bibs
- Sleepy wrap
- breast pump
- bottles
- my brest friend pillow
- warm weather clothes/sun bonnets

I'll let you know how Ruby tolerates the 7 hour drive and the socal lifestyle when we return.