Now that Ruby is over 5 months old, all of her newborn qualities have faded away, and she is officially a Regular Baby. We have retired her co-sleeper and snuggle nest, as she is now sleeping exclusively in her crib. We have also retired the My Brest Friend pillow because she no longer fits on top. All these things have gone into deep storage awaiting the next baby.
As Ruby approaches the 6 month mark, we are preparing for several new milestones, the most important of which is introducing solids. We have begun to gather all of the necessary gear such as booster seats, high chairs, baby spoons, baby bowls, baby food recipe books, an immersion blender for making baby food, baby food storage containers, and heavy-duty bibs.
Ruby also seems to be getting ready to pop out teeth. Although she has been putting everything into her mouth for a while now, she has recently been really chomping down on things and will often use her fingers to pull at her lower gums. I am trying to get her plenty of good chew toys so that she will not feel the need to chew on me.
As many say, having a baby really accentuates the passage of time because they change so quickly. Just as we've gotten used to diapers, breastfeeding, and tummy time, it's time for solids, teething, and child-proofing!
WOW I can't believe she grows up so fast!!!! Already getting little teeth popping out? She also looks a lot bigger in the picture than I remembered merely a month ago! (or was it 2 months ago?) Time flies! She's getting cuter too!! :)
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