Friday, February 5, 2010

Social interactions

Ruby and I have always enjoyed her playdates with her baby friends. When it comes to babies, I say the more the cuter. In the beginning, whether or not the babies were actually aware they were playing with other humans was questionable. One of the most interesting things to see over the past couple of months has been Ruby and her friends starting to become aware of and starting to interact with one another.

One of Ruby's favorite playmates is her little boyfriend, Julien, who is only 3 days older than Ruby.

Not only are Ruby and Julien in the same playgroup, they also have weekly playdates on Wednesdays when I am at home. Ruby and Julien have been playing together since they were 3 and a half months old. In the beginning, there was not much more interaction than an occasional inadvertent kick to the face.

However, recently Ruby and Julien have embarked on the type of social interaction that will likely define the rest of their childhoods. It goes as such:

Ruby takes a toy from Julien.

Julien takes it back.

There is some swatting and pushing.

Ruby seeks assistance from Mommy.

We tell them to play nice and share.

They say, "Who, us?"


Julien The Toddler said...

We definitely have a lot of fun together! I will acknowledge that any toy you're holding is more interesting than whatever toy I'm holding...