Shuyi and I have been fairly sickness free since childhood. I think the last time I had the flu was during my first visit back to China when I was 12. But, despite our mature, proven immune systems, inevitably, both Shuyi and I have caught whatever Ruby has been incubating. In addition being consistently exposed to her sneezes and coughs, her discomfort has also caused us less rest and sleep along with more stress and anxiety. The latter may even be the greater factor.
Ruby's stuffy nose has become the most problematic symptom, as it prevents her from being to breathe while sucking on the pacifier, which in turn, prevents her from falling asleep. It also makes it much harder to soothe her back to sleep when she wakes up in the middle of the night, which in turn, prevent yours truly from going back to bed.
Since babies aren't able to blow their own nose, the standard way to clear their sinuses is to use a nasal aspirator. Most look something like a round bulb with a syringe coming out of it (see below).

We have something similar that came in a baby first aid kit. However, we discovered that it wasn't particularly effective. After some research, we bought a NoseFrida snotsucker, which is basically like a syringe connected to a tube with a mouthpiece. You basically use your mouth to suck out their snot. Mmm. Ruby seems to enjoy it even less than the baby below.

Have you tried nasal saline drops to loosen up the snot and ease the congestion?
You can use 3-4 drops each nostril then suck out the loosened snot with the bulb or just let it all flow out. Repeat as many times as needed when congested. You can buy these at the pharmacy or make your own. Let me know if you'd like the recipe. :)
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