On Sunday we had a big party at our house. Mommy and Daddy filled the house with 1 million balloons. It just about blew my mind!!! You see, balloons are my favorite. Anytime I see a balloon, I say "Ba-yoon! Ba-yoon!" and wave my arms until someone gives it to me. Several months ago, my boyfriend Julien gave me a balloon at dinner, and I still play with it, even though it is sad and shrivelled. Therefore, I could not be more excited to see 1 million balloons in my own house!

One of my favorite parts of the party was hiding in the balloons with my new friend Mila. There were so many balloons on top of us, that Mommy couldn't see us at all!

Then we would pop up and scare her! It was too funny!!!

Another neat thing about the party is that everybody who came helped to make dumplings for me, and I LOVE dumplings!
The best part of all was when everybody sang one of my favorite songs, "Happy Birthday To You," and I got to blow out my candle. I enjoyed it so much that I made everyone do it twice. Daddy got in on it too because it was also his birthday. He is turning 3 with an "O" on the end.

I very much enjoyed my cuppy-cake, particularly the icing. My tastes have greatly refined from last year, when I thought that cuppy-cakes were icky. What was I thinking! *facepalm*

I really want to thank all of my friends for coming to my birthday party, and I especially want to thank my family for doing all the work!
Tuesday was June 7th, which is the day I officially turned 2.

After breakfast, it was finally time to open my presents!

I couldn't believe it -- I got my very own baby! But she was in a plastic box -- get her out quick!!

She needed to be fed and loved on the double, so that's what I did.

I couldn't have been any happier with my new baby, but Mommy and Daddy had ANOTHER surprise!

They built me a whole kitchen!!! I didn't want to lose any time, so I got to work at once.

I even cooked while holding the baby, just like I sometimes make Mommy do.

Now that I'm 2, I can do everything just like Mommy*!

*except for pee and poop
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