This year we trick-or-treated at the shops on 24th St. in Noe Valley along with Ruby's bff, Eva, her bf, Julien, and hundreds of neighborhood children. Trick-or-treating was right up Ruby's alley because one of her favorite activities is to gather various smaller items and collect them in larger containers. She was thrilled that all of these strangers on the street wanted to play this collection game with her.

Ruby's efforts were very lucrative, and she came away with a basket full of goodies. Amazingly, she has yet to eat a single piece of candy! It turns out that Ruby still doesn't quite understand that those little colorful packages contain food, and in this case we decided to perpetuate ignorance. She has saved all of her treats in her basket (minus the few pieces that Steve and I snuck after she went to bed) so that she can play "trick-or-treat" over and over again.
Not to paint myself the Big Bad Wolf, but when I saw this Little Red Riding Hood, I wanted nothing more than to gobble her up.

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