Her most huggable friend is still little buddy Ian. Ian is a hugging fiend, and he often hugs Ruby with such enthusiasm that it literally knocks her off her feet. Even though at times his advances send her running in the opposite direction, Ruby appreciates that Ian is always there with a hug when she needs one.
Ruby's friend Eva is also a big hugger and loves to hug Ruby.
Most of the time Ruby is happy to be the hug recipient, but she has gotten close enough to Eva to offer her a hug as well.
A few weeks ago Ruby had a playdate with her friend Dylan. Dylan is an older man because he is already 2. They first met when they were both in utero, making Dylan one of Ruby's oldest friends. They already shared a smooch at Ruby's first birthday party, although it was somewhat coerced.
This time it was Ruby who made the first move.

In addition to her little friends, Ruby also likes to give hugs and kisses to her grandparents. However, she wonders why they feel so hard and thin.
Ruby's favorite person to hug is herself. In the end even she cannot resist her own cuteness.
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