It was our first major outing as a family, and with the amount of gear we packed, it looked like we were moving into their reception hall.
On Ruby's second 4th of July, we went to her little friend Zach's house for a BBQ.

Ruby was very intrigued by her wriggly little friend.
This year, we had a BBQ at our own house with Ruby's good friend Eva and her parents.

Both girls and their respective dollies had a blast goofing off in the backyard.

Later that evening, we took Ruby to her first fireworks experience. The fireworks show at Fisherman's Wharf doesn't begin until 9:30, but with Ruby's nightowl tendencies, she had no trouble staying up late for the event. We were able to avoid the mobs of onlookers at Chrissy Field by going to a more remote look-out point in the Presidio. There was a small grassy hill that offered perfect views of the San Francisco fireworks as well as further-away shows in the East and North Bay. Ruby was very excited to "find-a fireworks!" She particularly liked the "blue ones."
This is the first year Ruby seems to be able to really appreciate holidays and the traditions that go along with them. In this way, I feel like I'm experiencing it all for the first time too.
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