Less than 2 weeks to my due date! I had another routine doctor's appointment this week. The midwife poked around my tummy for a bit and told me that the baby's head is very low, almost too low to feel. She also said that the baby feels just about the right size, not too big and not too small. I hope that this is true and that the baby has not inherited Steve's Big Head Disease!
This week was also my last week at work, although I will probably have to stop in sometime next week, partly to steal some of the lab's 70% ethanol. I plan to liberally spritz people down with it before they enter the house once the baby is born.
A lot of people have been asking if I am anxious to get it over with and have the baby already. I think I am still more mentally prepared for the baby to come on or after her due date. I've sort of made a bunch of plans for the next couple of weeks. For example, Steve and I are going to get massages on Wednesday. And my mom isn't getting here until next Saturday. Once she gets here we're planning on getting pedicures. There's also several restaurants I want to go to while we can still eat out. Plus Steve's birthday is June 1st, and I was planning on baking a cake to bring into his office. I think Steve wants the baby to stay in there until her due date mainly for the cake.
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