Monday, December 28, 2009

Ruby's new ride

By far the largest present this Christmas was our new car, a Lexus Rx450h. I claimed the present was for Ruby, but Shuyi has her doubts. To be fair, only I've driven the car so far. However, Shuyi has not driven it only because she's worried about her ability to get the car in and out of our garage (about 1-2" inches of clearance on either side), and Ruby has not driven it cause, well, she can't reach the petals or see over the dashboard. Plus, Shuyi did get to pick out the interior and exterior colors.

I got the hybrid since we do the vast majority of our driving in the city. All that starting and stopping results in my getting around 14-15mpg in my G35. The Lexus is EPA rated for 30 in the city and 28 on the highway. However, the G was rated 19 or 20 in the city and I don't see how that's possible without driving like a grandma (or a hypermiler). I'll be happy if we end getting at least 24-25 mpg. At that rate, I think it will be more than 10 years before I recoup the extra hybrid costs from gas saving. Oh well. I ended up purchasing through Cartelligent, a car buying service. I got about the same price I would have gotten directly through the dealer, but without having the annoyance of dealing with car salesmen.

I must say that out of all of the Ruby's presents, this one is my favorite (although I believe Ruby's favorite was the wrapping paper). I'm quite impressed with the new Remote Touch control for the GPS, which is a joystick-like pointer device with haptic response. However, I was disappointed with the size of the bow. Apparently, Lexus dealerships don't actually have bows as big as those shown in their December to Remember commercials. Classic Bait-and-Switch!


Wanda said...

A present for Ruby??!! But she can't drive her present for another 15 years!!!!! good try steve!

Steve said...

But we wouldn't have needed a larger car if not for Ruby and all of her stuff!