It was super fun and very pink. Thanks to everyone who came and especially to those who organized it!
I had actually never been to a baby shower before, and neither had most of the organizers, so I think our shower was based largely on what we've seen on Sex and the City and The Girls Next Door. We played a bunch of cute baby games, including "Guess the Baby Food Flavor," a game so difficult that it had no winner.
The most disturbing flavors to me were mac n' cheese, which tasted nothing of mac nor cheese, and chicken noodle soup, which was a fluorescent orange color unlike any chicken I've ever seen.
Here Steve and I are playing the "Match the Baby Picture" game, where all the guests brought in a picture of themselves as a baby and everyone had to guess who was who.
I won this game by guessing everyone correctly! Steve switched around three people, of which two were girls and one was a boy and all three were of different ethnicities. :-/
Can you guess which baby is me and which is Steve?
Looks like it was super fun...wish I could have been there!
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